Sunday, January 15, 2017

German media discover hillbilly tech: hot water to remove ice from windshield

The blogster's household members consider themselves hillbillies in both the real sense of Ozark dwellers and the tongue in cheek sense. In the days of "fake news", the blogster briefly thought about disambiguating tongue in cheek. Just go by the dictionary definition, please.

As steadfast hillbillies, we was [sic] pleased to see a major German newspaper dedicate a column to the hot take of the winter: Is it a good idea to defrost a windshield with hot water?

In defense of German quality journalism, the blogster would like to praise the article. Rarely has it* seen a better researched and focuses example of journalistic writing.

The author clearly describes the context ("after a frosty night"), he links to the more standard removal technique using a scraper. The best information, though, is the link to the German triple A version ADAC -- the link brings up a Doener/Kebab party rental service. To the hillbilly blogster, this link represents an almost spiritual Freudian link, given that the ADAC has been at the center of scandals of epic proportions without any regulatory consequences.**

After the standard techniques, including chemicals ("cost money") and a big warning by the auto club regarding potential problems with different expansion of the layers of the windshield, the author goes high tech and searches Youtube for a fail video.

Not finding any, he finishes off the subject with the common sense tip to use lukewarm water instead of hot water.

Which is exactly what we mean when we talk about hillbilly tech. We (the parents, actually) used this procedure back in the Ozarks decades ago.


Which is the true definition off hillbilly tech: simple, wacky looks, and works!

* We goes gender neutral here at ye olde K-Landnews.
** The blogster twitted @zeitlonline before the post was done. So, the link may be gone, but we give you a screenshot:

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