Friday, January 24, 2014

Homo Teutonicus Simplex, culti. var militaricus

Homo Teutonicus Simplex, culti. var. militaricus, is back in the news.

Believe it or not, a study just found that the German Armed Forces are losing some of their fighting power because of an increasing number of female soldiers.

An article published in today's FAZ is unequivocal, male soldiers do not view their female comrades favorably, and the latest figures show an increase in negative sentiment by the males.

It's like the headline "Study proves existence of God"! In small print, it will say 99.9% of priests believe god exists. No mention of the missing .1% either.

The study?

A poll.

A poll?

A gussied up poll feeding all the stereotypes Homo Teutonicus Simplex, culti. var. militaricus, could want to see.

Women get preferential treatment, they do not have the physical strength of the males, they cannot pee into a bottle in an armored vehicle.

But you would sure love to see them try, says K-Landnews TheEditor.

Of the 54 reader comments, only two point at the prime example of women in the military, the Israeli SDF. One other reader raves about the Russian women soldiers of World War II.

The rest of the comments range from outright misogynist to mildly condescending towards women.

Simplex is shaken to the boner.

Of course, no one mentions that German women soldiers report that half of them have faced sexism or worse. Oh, the percentage of women in uniform in the German military is just below 11%, yep.

[Update 3/20/2017] The 2014 article becomes even more ludicrous when you consider the recent news about "sadistic sexual rituals and practices" that had been going on for years at a German military training facility. Among the reported incidents was that "trainers had forced the recruits to do exercises that served no purpose other than sexual ones, such as reviewing how to insert medical devices into the anuses of male and female recruits, which was also filmed".

Sadly, Simplex is shaken to the boner turned out not to be satire after all. 

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