Monday, September 23, 2013

How grand a coalition?

Germany is debating about a coalition of Ms. Merkel's party and a partner party.

We have no skin in the game of thrones but we do have a language issue.

The option of  Merkel's CDU (christian democrats) hooking up with the other big party SPD (the social democrats) is called "Grosse Koalition" in German, literally a Big or Large Coalition, with a capital G for us dummies, a lower case g might mean we miss the importance of the matter.

In the English language media, they call this a "grand coalition".

Which to our uneducated minds sounds very different. The coalition surely is not going to be grand. As a matter of fact, whenever the two big parties have governed together in the past, nothing grand has come out of it.

Moreover, the term was coined at a time when there were a grand total of three (3) parties in the national parliament. 

So, you'd be forgiven to think a grand coalition might have been one with all three parties forming a government.

But all the grand term means is that the two heavyweights get together.

Would the dear English language media please just say "a coalition of the two largest parties"?

It does not sound grand or grandiose, but it would take a little bit of what the K-Landnews team calls grandstanding out of the reporting.

It's not our fault that the Germans love things Large, remember not long ago there was a Grossdeutschland, that Big one everyone else in Europe feared.

Meanwhile, the German media relishes in the fact that Ms. Merkel called the SPD on Monday at 9 AM and that the chief of the SPD returned the call at 11 AM.

A power poker move!

A snub!

Fuck it, peeps, no wonder the world of politics and/or that of the reporting on politics is crazy.

The SPD chief might have been busy unlocking his iPhone's fingerprint sensor or might have enjoyed a Monday morning conjugal after the stress of the election.

And who the fuck says that Ms. Merkel picked up the phone and called like the Pope does these days?

What is there to say?


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