Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Not a good time

Really, for organ donation mailers.

It's been less than a week since we proposed one tenet of a solution to the organ donation crisis in Germany. "Transplant surgeon needs new brain" is the title of that post.

And, right on, today comes a letter from the health insurance folks: become an organ donor, help save lives.

What lives, the prosperous lives of the doctors?

They need their kickbacks as much as the next guy?

Oh, you are saying "the next guy" just died because someone else was inserted before him on the waiting list?

Back stateside, all of us K-landers had the good dot on the driver license, despite and in the face of similar scandals.

So, the US clocks in a happy 0 on a prosecution scale of 0 to 10 (10 being cut their heads off and donate them for transplant, like the Chinese did).

Our co-citizens here in Germany are looking at, hm, a -5 on that scale.

We want to end this post with a nod to Mr. Phil Lesh, in appreciation of that one minute of every show.

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