Monday, December 17, 2012

Our blog audience?

The milestone of 100 published blog posts is further down the road, but I can disclose that we have enough drafts to get there comfortably.

We do have an audience, that's a pleasant surprise right there.

What does our audience like:
The category of most popular posts is topped by these subjects: Pets and travel

"How to win over Airline Ticketing Folks" is the most popular entry by far.

Was it the split second of fear on the face of the agent, the real emotion we travelers yearn for?
Or was it the completely unexpected turn of the conversation after the clarification "no, not in the cabin"?

Many airline workers probably live in a continous state of fear of the passenger. Never knowing who may blow up in their face, both literally by igniting a shoe or figuratively after being reminded to turn of all electronic devices.

And they deal with it in the same manner the rest of us deal with death or the devil: don't use the name specified in the manual (the bible for one, the training manuals for the other), the passenger becoming "he who shall not be named."

And then there were the "also rans" of posts: The highfalutin ones.
So, my ever so righteous indignation about Hewlett Packard's printer cartridge rip-off?
No class action lawsuits coming from this post. Just me not buying a new computer from a business whose approach to printer ink is not quite like crack dealing but not far enough removed from that scourge either.

Psst, wanna a free sample of crack or HP ink?

The geographic dispersion of our audience is an expected seventy percent U.S., twenty nine percent European, one percent Asian.

I'll finish today with a word about the contributors.

The typing and editing is done by a single person, but the ideas are often from the household, and yes, the cats contribute too.

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