Thursday, November 20, 2014

When in Ireland, don't do these two things

The blogster has two simple rules for visits to the Republic of Ireland.

Rule 1: Do not chase leprechauns.

Rule 2: Do not try to keep up with Irish women when drinking.

The first rule is sensible for dealing with any mythical creatures and, if you have seen any movies with leprechauns, just common sense.

The second rule was learned the hard way.  Beer and liquor have never had much room in this blogster's life, but even seasoned drinkers should think twice when they go out for a drink with folks in Ireland.

Before you kill off another few million brain cells, take note of the fact that the 100 pound woman you have been flirting with will -- that's will, not may -- drink you under the table and be at work at eight in the morning while you are still hugging the bucket that your room mates hopefully put besides the bed when they saw you stagger into the house.

If you do not have considerate roomies, you can only hope for a clean toilet bowl.

People buy rounds in Ireland, and you need to play your part. When it is your turn, buy the round, be nice because the Irish really are one of the nicer people on the planet.

However, don't finish off every drink. If the next round shows up while your glass is still half full, so be it.

Let it go.

It will be so much easier for you to find you way home at the end of the pub crawl. And you will not suffer a pounding, gut-wrenching hangover the next day.

If you show up at work looking some 20 years older than the night before, how will the ladies you spectacularly failed to impress treat you?

They will be very nice to you.

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