Thursday, August 22, 2013

Out of the box

We have been proactive and put "outside the box"and "out of the box" into a box of useless phrases.

The only exception permitted at the K-Landnews is when "box" unambiguously means coffin, or casket as modern Americans prefer. Hence, the exasperated boss telling you to think outside the box takes on its true meaning: think!

There have been a number of activities involving boxes at the K-Landnews recently, many having to do with stuffing papers into these handy containers.

Other box activities have uncovered items thought lost, more joyful than putting away remnants of the past.

Hoarders mess with boxes all the time, so we want to make the point that none of us can be put into that box. On the contrary, our most prolific international worker proudly claims a couple of moves with nothing but two airline standard bags.

That was pre-9/11, and today it might land you on one of the many watchlists, so think twice if feel you could rise to the challenge.

Inevitably, though, the more often you move over long distances, some of the boxes packed so carefully will remain unopened at the new home. This can bring out of season Christmas type joy if you decide to break open one of these forgotten boxes.

TheEditor did just that and lifted a heavy green tome, smiling while dusting off a thin layer of dust, "Ah, my Stedman's Medical Dictionary. It saved my shiny metal ass so many times".

The almost 2000 page volume will go onto a shelf.

Nowadays the Stedman is online, available on a subscription basis.

This surprise find has put TheEditor in explorer mode and since there are more unopened boxes, we are looking forward to more big smiles.

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