Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Infrared thermometer update

Grrrr, the ad men are a creative lot. Just a couple of days after our Infrared Thermometer post we go to the store and they have a special.

Not only cheaper than when we got ours but also with an image showing a car engine check with the device.

We claimed in the first post that "they" did not address this usage scenario. Does only the manufacturer of the supermarket special show a clean cut mechanic pointing it at man's best friend?

No idea, frankly.

Not to be outdone, how can we remain one step ahead of the ad men?

The subject of national security and infrared thermometers was admittedly discussed in the K-Landnews newsroom.

We could not bring ourselves to fabricate an incredibly ludicrous scenario that might lead well meaning folks to call for strict controls on infrared thermometers. In a country where that very car mechanic undergoes rigorous questioning every single time he buys some sulphuric acid at the same store from the same salesperson, this prospect is not an outlandish one.

It would be a weight on our conscience, which surprisingly we still seem to have.

So, we won't take on the ad men.

Measure responsibly!

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