Saturday, May 18, 2013

Seven days without Twitter

We had predicted a drop in pageview of more than half.

It happened.

With the twist that on the day we deactivated the twitter account our views shot up to over 200.

Someone obviously took note.

Now we are as non-existent to the twitterati and the facebookies as we were in the first six weeks of the blog.

Will we be able to resist the easy login to Twitter until the account is not just deactivated but deleted?

Time will tell.

As if that was not enough, Google Ads offered up Blood Pressure medication the day after we bowed out from the hypersocial part of the web.

Because the web is by definition social.

We all share a bit of the blame in letting some sites hijack the "social".

Anybody up for reclaiming the word social and offering them "hypersocial" instead?

[Update 24 May] TheEditor decided to make the Twitter account visible again and add one final tweet with the link to the post "Twitter: Is this goodbye". This removes any ambiguity as to the sequence of events and the nature of the tweets up to the suspension and its revocation. It would have been nice to have sailed past whatever lil' algorithms are watching. But the whole series of events is also reassuring.

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