Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Govt workers are overpaid!

UK minister says 53 UK pounds is fine for him!

Says our source from a British public school: I herd it with me own eers!

We are outraged that the governments in the Western hemisphere have kept this secret for so long.

But the cat is out of the bag now after British minister Ian Duncan Smith replied in the affirmative to a BBC question.

Yes, was the answer when asked if a person could live on 53 quid a week.

Governments across Europe, including the fat cats (sorry to our cats) of the EU need to see their immense paychecks cut NOW!

We don't want them to starve, so we would be okay with 60 UK pounds per week.

That is a substantial increase over the 53 mentioned in the interview.

It ensures work will pay.

[Update 3 April]
The Queen will get 5 million more for household expenses, which is only fair because she is not a government worker. You have to spend money to make money when your future has not much more to offer than fish and chips and a quaint monarchy.

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