Monday, March 4, 2013

Commies at Harvard Law

Taking another break from horsemeat.

We had such a good belly laugh reading about the Harvard Law School is full of communists speech by some senator.

The quaint 1950s retro thinking is so adorable, and we should have seen it coming when fedoras and hats started to become fashionable again.

We cannot help but wonder about law school, why do people go there in the first place? There is anecdotal evidence of the allure of old fashioned language, but that may be made nil and void by other motives, such as the desire to contribute to justice.

A friend of the K-landnews will never forget one law student's complaint around six months before graduation:  We started out as cool people who wanted to further justice, and now, most of us have become self-serving egomaniacs. I feel like dropping out, that's how disgusted I am.

Reason was made available to the friend: You are so close to done, why not finish it off, get that degree. Even if you will never work as a lawyer, the degree is yours, you worked hard for it.

There was another good reason, but we did not think of it at the time.

If you buy something valuable or big, stating that you have a law degree is good for your customer service experience. Journalists and lawyers used to be the two top ranking professions for the complaint departments of the large consumer companies. You'd get better treatment right out of the gates.

The friend of a friend did finish law school. However, he does not brandish the title and bringing up the subject of communists in US law schools will get you a laugh and a "ah, come on".

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