Friday, January 18, 2013

The Morning After

Catholic hospitals going nuclear on rape victims in Germany?

A peaceful country panorama, a flag flying lazily in the breeze, children playing, moms smiling and dads going to work.

And then, a pill drops.

German magazine Die Zeit of 17 Jan. has an article about catholic hospitals - plural - in Cologne refusing to take in potential rape victims.

Coming from the US, a clinic's refusal to take in potential rape victims because the law requires them to be advised on the morning after pill is no news, so why bother with a post if it happens here?

Because the reasons forwarded by the church are the same. Because, to a victim, it does not matter that there are places that are worse.

The catholic clinics call these unfortunate misunderstandings. A protestant clinic took in at least one of the women.

The really funny thing, yes, funny, to us is that these hospitals are not required to prescribe the morning after pill. They are required to talk about it.

The other thing is that the German government collects taxes for the church and pays for the theology departments at universities.  This is what the K-Landnews Former Altar Boy (FAB) called the "pay to pray" and "Toll Road to Heaven" policy.

Look,  we at the K-Landnews get the irony of blogging about the catholic church. We and the church are both bitching from a position of comfort and safety while our brethren not far away are constantly threatened, are in real danger.

We feel that the Catholic Church should be allowed to do whatever they see fit.

But if you go nuclear, don't complain about the fallout.

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